Our New build Render: by Icon Homes

Whats Happening On The Build

Thank you to all of you that have take a keen interest on our build. I have a lot of questions and direct messages about our process and who we are building through. Also a lot of questions about the progress of the build. We are several months in, and I can’t wait to see the external part of the build to take shape. So far this is where we are at.
  • The bricklayer has now completed his work.
  • We are waiting for the final few windows to be installed before the cladding is installed.
  • The Cladding is now onsite ready to go. The carpenter will install the cladding on the first floor. Painting happens around the same time. (while the scaffolding is in place).  We can then make a start on the first-floor plumbing and install the down pipes. They will also run the plumbing to the design studio. That is the most exciting part for me.
Once the top floor is complete, the scaffolding will be removed to repeat the same process for the next floor. I’ll keep you updated with the progress.

Building With Icon Homes

We are building with a the volume builder called Icon Homes.  They are a volume builder that has a different business model to other large building companies.You can either select your design from their existing display homes or you can go with a fully customised home. We decided to do a fully customised home. As a stylist I wanted to put a lot of detail into the design.
I will break down the process and share with you step by step in blogs to follow.
We selected Icon Homes as it was the most comfortable fit. Their inclusions and build allowed us to adjust selections to suit our needs. I am doing what is called a blended build. Which means I have upgraded finishes and am looking forward to doing a lot of detailing after hand over.
If you are interested in educating yourself for the building process and to be part of a fantastic private facebook community page for sounding design ideas or getting great build advice. Working with like minded women that are building their dream homes or homes for profit. I highly recommend the “Buildher Collective” group.I am sharing the whole experience with the group. It truly is great as sounding board and guide for the understanding the building process norms.

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